The Fox Trail
A family experience hike.
1 | My friend, the field rabbit
The field hare lives and hides in the bushes, in the tall grass or in the earth's troughs. He is cheerful in the night. During the day you can only see him if he is disturbed and takes flight. Then he runs around zigzag. They say the hare is beating hooks. Can you do that too?
Females can get two to four boys in a year from three to four times, which they then hide in a ground in the grass.
* Already recalculated? These are up to 16 boys in a year.
2 | My friend, the Carnica Bee Queen
The actual home of the Carnica bee is located in today's Slovenia. She is very gentle and eager to make a large amount of honey. When bees collect the nectar of the flowers with their trunks, flower pollen will hang on their furry bodies. If the bee then flies to the next flower, she strips these pollen again * and thus ensures that many new flowers grow.
* This is called pollination.
3 | My friend, the hazelmouse
The small rodent is very shy and from the head to the hull it is only as big as the thumb of an adult. Sometimes an enemy snaps at her tight-haired tail. Then she simply lives with the remaining stubby tail in the bushes, where she feels most comfortable. Only in the winter she digs into small holes and keeps her winter sleep.
4 | My friend, the forrest ant
From the needles and other plant remnants the tiny, but strong builders build ants of ants, where they then live with millions of people in an ant state. Here everyone has to fulfill a certain task. For example, there are e.g. Watchful soldiers and ants who bring forage or raise their children. They keep the forest healthy, loosen the soil, spread plant seeds and use carrion and other waste.
5 | My friends, the bats
The Mausohr is the largest of the 24 species of bats that occur here in Carinthia. She stretches her wings, measures her almost half a meter. The night hunting trips in the summer amount to 15 km *. Bats are the only mammals that can fly. In the majority of cases, only one cub per year and female is born. This happens in the bungalows, where they are reared and after five weeks they start their first excursions.
* You could fly the Fox Trail 15 times up and down.
6 | My friend, the dwarf owl
If you hear a monotonous 'Diü' in the night between April and June for hours, then this is probably the hunting lodge of the Zwergohreule. During the day she sleeps comfortably in the crowns of the trees, where she is hard to spot thanks to her bark-like feathers. At night, however, she is cheerful and looking for food. Every year, three to seven eggs are hatched in tree hollows. The boys are cared for up to six weeks by their parents.
7 | My friends, the Buntspecht and the Gray Heron
The gray heron is after the stork the second largest bird in Carinthia. A couple stays together for a lifetime and uses the same nest where possible in trees. The Buntspecht can not sing, but he can draw attention with loud drumming. More than a thousand times a minute, he drummed against the tree. He picks insect larvae and caterpillars from the bark with his beak.
8 | Hurray, Goose Frieda is found!
Hurray, there she is! Thanks to your help, the little fox has found the Goose Frieda. But what is she doing here? She wanted to go on holiday - like you. The goose Frieda is very surprised that you have been so worried about her disappearance. So she decides to go home with the little fox. All's well that ends well!
With support from the Government of Austria, Carinthia and the European Union